As your trusted commercial chimney sweep, we will take care of your chimney and keep it clean.
If your commercial facility has a fireplace, it likely has a chimney that allows for the proper ventilation of smoke and other byproducts produced by a blazing fire. A fireplace is an appealing addition to any type of structure, as it adds a cozy feeling of ambiance to the space while adding warmth for those utilizing it. It’s important to know that a working fireplace with a chimney will require some ongoing maintenance, including regular chimney sweeping. However, not all chimney sweepers will work in commercial facilities. At Swept Away Chimney, we proudly offer commercial chimney sweep services to those located in and around Acworth, Georgia.
As your trusted commercial chimney sweep, we will take care of your chimney and keep it clean. By having us perform this service on a regular basis, you can reduce the risk of a fire breaking out within the chimney and prevent smoke damage. When you use your fireplace often, various substances can build up within the narrow space, which can create a combustible film. Having these substances swept out reduces the fire risk.
At Swept Away Chimney, We Help You Stay on Top of Maintenance with Our Chimney Inspections!
Our commercial chimney sweep services can also ensure the chimney’s strength, removing debris that can cause erosion of the materials or result in the smoke coming back into the facility. It’s important to keep up with regular sweeping, and our experienced team members can set you up on a cleaning schedule based on the condition of your chimney and how often you use the fireplace. Contact us today to learn more or schedule a cleaning service.
At Swept Away Chimney, our commercial chimney sweeps proudly serve Acworth, Adairsville, Alpharetta, Aragon, Atlanta, Austell, Ballground, Blue Ridge, Brookhaven, Calhoun, Canton, Cartersville, Cedartown, Chamblee, Cumming, Dallas, Decatur, Doraville, Douglasville, Dunwoody, East Marietta, Emerson, Hiram, Holly Springs, Jasper, Johns Creek, Kennesaw, Kingston, Lithia Springs, Mableton, Marietta, Milton, Mountain Park, Powder Springs, Rockmart, Rome, Roswell, Sandy Springs, Smyrna, Stilesboro, Taylorsville, Tucker, Villa Rica, Waleska, West Marietta, Woodstock, and Yorkville, Georgia.