Fill Out Our Form to Schedule Your Appointment!
When was the last time you had your dryer vent or ducts cleaned out? If you can't remember, now is the time to schedule. Fill out our form, and we’ll come do it for you!
Protect your home with duct and dryer vent cleaning.
We’re here to help you protect your home with dryer vent and duct cleaning. Fill out our form now to schedule!
© 2021 Swept Away Chimney, LLC, Acworth, GA
Here’s why duct and dryer vent cleaning should be priorities:
Keep your vents clear of dust, allergens and pollen.
“I am very pleased with the service, professionalism, and quality of work, and last but not least, it was a great value. The company went above and beyond. I definitely appreciate the hard work, and their response time was top notch. I would definitely recommend them!”
– Ray H.
Prevent fires and save on electric bills.
Make your clothes dry faster & improve the lifespan of your dryer.